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Computational Oncology Apprentice



Posted on Monday, March 18, 2024

Computational Oncology Apprentice @ Orakl Oncology

Lab based
Posted on
March 17, 2024
Orakl Oncology is a techbio company, based in Paris and aiming to transform the fight against cancer. We combine best-in-class biology with data-powered and AI-driven analysis to enable companies to identify and optimise new anti-cancer therapies. We are an interdisciplinary platform working at the intersection of cell biology, engineering and machine learning.
Orakl Oncology is looking for its first batch of apprentices who will work on high impact projects throughout the company. Orakl apprentices work side-by-side with a mentor to support and expand our capabilities across the dry and/or the wet lab. They will improve and learn to work on:
patient-derived cell cultures
high-throughput experimental pipelines
computational biology and biology-oriented machine learning
and many other things…
As the Computational Oncology Apprenticeship you will collaborate with our computational biology team to explore new approaches to use the collected data. The exact scope of your project will be defined with you, but we expect that you will:
lead independent research projects in collaboration with Orakl scientists
be involved in communicating and integrating your results into Orakl products
collaborate on key research programs at Orakl
Even if you don't feel that you meet every single requirement, we still encourage you to apply :)
BSc, MSc, MEng or any related diploma in the field of engineering, computer science, bio-informatics, statistics or machine learning
Genuine curiosity and energy to explore new projects
Exceptional collaboration an communication skills
Proficiency in English
Experience in working with the modern code development toolbox
Very good quantitative skills and a demonstrated ability to apply them in real-world environments
Passion for the intersection of data, biology and the clinic
Orakl is an intensely multidisciplinary project. If you want to interact with stellar clinicians, biologists and engineers on a day-to-day basis to transform oncology research, this is the place for you.

What We Offer:

Competitive salary and benefits.
Mission: Work in a cutting-edge environment, on the bleeding edge of cancer research.
Growth opportunities: we’re rapidly expanding the scope of our work and you will be offered multiple opportunities to grow with it!
Impact: you’re going to be participating in a fast-growing, multi-faceted project with multiple opportunities to shape it according to your interests.
Interested? Contact jobs@orakl-oncology.com with your CV and a description of your latest research project. We are waiting for you ☺️